  • White button mushrooms grow kit.jpg

White Button Mushrooms grow kit

Ksh 1,000.00
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Mushroom's Kenya White Button Mushroom Kits come with everything you need to grow fresh mushrooms in your home! 

By following the three easy steps below you can have fresh mushroom kits growing and ready to eat in 3-5 weeks!

Please note: 

Mushrooms are live products and the kits may be supplied at slightly different stages of maturity. If your kit is not completely frosty white with mycelium, keep it warm for a few days to fully inoculate before starting the growing process.

How To Grow

Keep kit out of direct sunlight. A wardrobe, garage of laundry is a good spot.
To grow, follow these 3 easy steps:

  1. Open the box. If the compost looks brown, close the kit and leave it for a week. Once the compost is frosty white continue to Step 2.
  2. Open the plastic and evenly spread the casing over the compost, leaving it loose and fluffy. Leave the kit open.
  3. Every 2-3 days mist with water. After two to three weeks mushrooms will begin to form. Twist each mushroom out, removing any remaining stump. Fill in holes with surrounding peat moss.


Get the white button mushroom grow kit instructions here

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